Respect JAINISM : All our humanness and moral character, our vows, virtues, and knowledge, our practice to give up greed and acquisitiveness towards thing and sense objects all are meaningless and useless unless we have non-violence and reverence for life. Mahavira SHINTOISM : Wherewithal wilt thou prove to me whether thy words are true of […]
Category: Uncategorized
The Foretelling of a new αἰών, “age”
Here is the good news. The old age of exclusive power, excessive pelf, ethnic injustice, despots, and tyrants is dying. This old age is in its death-throes and thrashing about in panic. This essay is for those people who are searching, questioning, exploring, and seeking teachings joined with methodology to pursue life, liberty and happiness. […]
The painful steps of anguishHe took to the forest at night;No tunic did he take.He sought to solve the chaos within and without. His wife turned over and foundShe could hear him on the ground.She went there to find,What could be troubling him? Disturbing his heart and mind,Wars of terror compelled him for answers to […]
Yes you see my friends,Mankind is striving for the best.A few impede the wholeBut yet they really are a test. Testing is what we really needTo bring out all our forceful might,And channel is correctlyIn a most important fight. Fighting all our demonsSo that we can finally reach,For all of us and life,A state of […]
Yes you see my friends,Mankind is striving for the best.A few impede the wholeBut yet they really are a test. Testing is what we really needTo bring out all our forceful might,And channel is correctlyIn a most important fight. Fighting all our demonsSo that we can finally reach,For all of us and life,A state of […]
Some insights to “weigh and consider”
Read not to contradict and confute; nor to believe and take for granted; nor to find talk and discourse; but to weigh and consider. —Sir Francis Bacon, 1561–1626, was an English lawyer, philosopher, statesman, and essayist but is best known for leading the scientific revolution with his new “experimentation and observation” theory, which is the […]
Is Charity an Investment?
Vladimir Zelensky urged Congress to support Ukraine. “Your money is not charity, he said. It’s an investment.” I argue it is both. Charity corrects selfishness and indifference to the suffering of others. Investment creates a thriving and interdependent humanity. Charity does not expect anything back but an investment expects a positive return. Why is charity […]
Can humanity enjoy the fruits of science and technology?
“If we want humanity to enjoy the fruits of science and technology rather than use them to destroy ourselves and the entire planet, the most important thing right now is to raise Human Consciousness “Yoga Master Sadhguru. But before we can raise the structure of consciousness, we need to remove its impediments. How do we […]
Is Humanity ready for Contact?
In this remarkable 2017 video, Unacknowledged: An Expose of the World’s Greatest Secret, “Dr. Steven Greer present brand new, top secret evidence supporting Extraterrestrial contact including witness testimony, classified documents, and UFO footage while also exploring the consequences of ruthlessly enforcing such secrecy.” Why has this information has been kept top secret by military and […]
Who’s kingdom are we talking about?
My last two posts showed that Jesus never spoke the words “end of the world.” Also the author of Hebrews declared that Christ would “appear the second time.” This unique appearance of Christ has been so misunderstood that believers are still waiting for the “second coming” of Christ. Where is Jesus going to establish the […]