Walk With Confidence

Friends, I have been working diligently on The Cosmic Religion, and am happy to see the finish line nearing. Several friends generously agreed to review the manuscript and respond with feedback. Yesterday, two of these kindred friends discussed their feedback with me. One asked, “who is this book for?” I hesitated to answer. Wasn’t it […]

The Third Choice

When I was a boy, life was secure and predictable.  My parents were strict, fundamentalist Christians who taught me that to live a good life meant to accept Jesus as my savior.  As God’s only son, Jesus’ job was to save those of us on earth smart enough to see him as the only way.  […]

Welcome to The Cosmic Religion

This site will expand upon the topics and themes in my book, The Cosmic Religion. This web site is for those people who are searching, questioning, exploring, and earnestly seeking answers to the purpose and practice of life.  It is for those who know in their hearts that there must be more to life than […]