How sad, That people who ignore ReligionDENY everything of value in it. How simple,That people who are babes in ReligionDEBATE and argue with each other. How sound,That people who are growing in ReligionDISCIPLINE themselves instead of judging others. How supreme,That people who fully live ReligionDELIGHT in the ever-new joy of Spirit. Copyright © 2013 by […]

Two Tests

Ralph Calabria This month I am posting early because I’ll soon be leaving for a weekend with Yogiraj Siddhanath.  Yogiraj is a most impressive contemporary yogi in the tradition of Babaji.  Yesterday, Diane pressed me on the question of how do I distinguish an enlightened teacher from an ordinary teacher.  In other words, why did […]

The Joy of Homework

The Joy of Homework This month I invited a guest blogger, Diane.  Think to a time when you were in a class and couldn’t understand the instructor.  If you were not interested in the material, probably you shrugged it off and moved on.  But if you did want to learn, it was different.  Maybe not […]

The beginnings of the new age

The beginnings of the new age   Because this blog might seem like a mission impossible, I have to say this. “As always, should you or any of your Friends be caught reading this, I will disavow any knowledge of your actions. These pages might self-destruct in five seconds. Good luck, dear reader.” I respect […]

Love Neighbor, one of three truths of Jesus

Too many times, I have seen or heard this sarcastic remark, “He’s not a Christian.”  These snide comments are meant to slander and besmirch the character of the other person. But do they? Do you care? I care because I love Jesus and his original Christianity. But I must speak about this. Do these condescending […]


Our idea of Easter is that the “Christ” state of Omnipresent Consciousness which Jesus manifested was gained by “growing in (spiritual) wisdom.”  This awareness was manifested in Yogananda and all Avatars. It is also available to those disciples who strive and work for it. But most religious followers are not aware that this consciousness exists […]

People of Religion

RELIGION How sad, That people who ignore Religion DENY everything of value in it. How simple, That people who are babes in Religion  DEBATE and argue with each other. How sound, That people who are growing in Religion  DISCIPLINE themselves instead of judging others. How supreme, That people who fully live Religion  DELIGHT in the […]

A Search for the Truth in Religion

It has been a while since my last post. I will be posting more frequently. I am currently working on my next book, entitled, A Search for the Truth in Religion. Here is the prologue in progress.   Prologue “It seems to me that whoever doesn’t wonder about the truth in religion and in science […]

Einstein’s statement on truth in religion

“Read not to contradict and confute; nor to believe and take for granted; nor to find talk and discourse; but to weigh and consider.”—Sir Francis Bacon, 16th-century English philosopher. Albert Einstein once said, “It seems to me that whoever doesn’t wonder about the truth in religion and in science might as well be dead.” Is […]