A Search for the Truth in Religion

It has been a while since my last post. I will be posting more frequently. I am currently working on my next book, entitled, A Search for the Truth in Religion. Here is the prologue in progress.



“It seems to me that whoever doesn’t wonder about the truth in religion and in science might as well be dead.” –Albert Einstein

We can see all around us the products of the truth in science.  Scientific truth has made steady strides forward, but has religion?  Some say that religion is holding humanity back from maturity.  Current world conflicts in some of the major religions are exacerbated by those in power seeking to hasten a religious apocalypse, Armageddon, “the end-times”, day of the judgment, the Hour, the second coming of Christ, etc. Childish claims of “my religion is better than your religion” have turned dangerous and lead to human tragedy.

Is there then less truth in religion than science, no truth at all, or just ignorance and fantasy?  Or is the problem something else?  The author asserts that the problem is not that there is a lack of truth in religion, but that we lack acceptable reasonable metrics for determining truth in the first place.

But it need not be so.  I have chosen concepts from the writings of Sir Francis Bacon, Socrates, and Jesus to construct a reasonable set of metrics for seeking the truth in the three dimensions of religion. I present these metrics in three parts.

Part I discusses intrafaith conflicts which are generated by three entirely different views of scripture expressed by the three psychological types of believers. This metric, based upon Sir Francis Bacon’s concepts, makes it very clear that people use reasoning methods vastly different. The recognition that competing viewpoints exist solves the conflict by realizing that no one denomination speaks for the entire system of religion.

Part II examines inner faith anxiety, originating from unproven claims, doubts, fear, and nonsensical answers from the religious authorities. The uneasiness is that some things do not make sense. This metric, based upon Socrates’ council to not lead an unexamined life, leads one to examine – who am I? The teaching and training of the royal yoga system is indispensable to solve this anxiety by transforming one’s view of life.

Part III identifies the religious paradigm I have created for a universal interfaith comparison.  This metric, this paradigm, is based upon the three principles that Jesus chose above all others. I call it the Golden Thread. These same principles within eight religions are at their core and I interpret them in light of the universal Golden Thread to introduce more accurate comparisons among religions than apples to oranges.


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