I’ve had a wild religious ride this lifetime, and it’s not over yet. Born into a very strict Christian fundamentalist family, I pivoted to Zen Buddhism as a young adult, met yogis and sages and studied world religions in my middle years, and now as a “seasoned” veteran, am earnestly pursuing spiritual evolution under the guidance of Paramhansa Yogananda. I’ve come a long way, and yet not moved far from my starting point. Ironically, I now love and appreciate Jesus Christ more than I ever did. As a fundamentalist Christian, I was taught to fear God; now as a yogi, I feel indescribable awe for the vast Intelligence that created the Cosmos.
Through this site, I hope to share insights with other seekers. If any of the ideas expressed in my blog posts cause you to pause and re-evaluate, I will be a happy man.
This blog is for those people who are searching, questioning, exploring, and earnestly seeking answers to the purpose and practice of life. It is for those who know in their hearts that there must be more to life than just making money, blindly following a religion, or concerning oneself with only a small circle of family and friends. This site is for people who reject notions that we are all sinners, or little more than intelligent animals. It is for people who believe that a glorious , joyful and purposeful life is possible now.
I welcome your participation, your questions, comments and suggestions.